Friday, July 18, 2008

What to do on a Wednesday evening ...

There are many things that I love about living out here in the country: the walks in nature, the beautiful dark night skies, and the birds and wildlife sightings. The only things missing are: outdoor dining opportunities (it's a city thing, but I love outdoor restaurants for the people watching and drinking outside) and random cultural events. Well, some brilliant people have answered both of these unspoken yearnings with The Douglas School Summer Concert Series!

Think fun music AND Savoury Lane grilled food available to buy. It was great to get out on a summer evening and feel like we are a part of the town. The two playgrounds were covered with kids having fun and the hill behind the school had a good sized audience.

This week's band did a fun mix of oldies but goodies. There wasn't one song that we couldn't sing along to while still being songs that were fun to hear (ie: not stuck in my head for the rest of the week making me want to kill myself). It was a good time with kids dancing all over and generally having a great time. The music was fun, but the best part was the little girl in the band who did awesome dances for each song.

We brought along our own dessert and soaked up the tunes. It was just about perfect.

The concert schedule currently runs until August 13th. It was a lovely time out that I highly recommend.